
Nursery Life

We understand that leaving your child at nursery for the first time can be an emotional experience.

The idea of leaving your little one in a new place with people they don’t know can be really tough. We completely understand what a big step this is for you as a family.

It’s easy to forget at times like these that your child is actually at the start of a very exciting journey. They’ll soon be making friends, growing in confidence and telling you all about the exciting things they’ve learned throughout their day!

To ensure a fantastic beginning to this remarkable journey, our goal is to make your child’s first day at nursery a calm and positive experience. We achieve this by offering free ‘settling in sessions’ where we focus on helping your child adjust comfortably to their new surroundings.

Our Settling in Sessions

Before your little one starts at nursery, we’ll invite you to bring them along for some ‘settling in’ sessions. This involves you bringing your child into nursery and staying with them as they explore their new environment and get to know their ‘key person’.

You and your child will get to meet your
child’s 'key person'. This is the member of staff that will get to know your child the best, who will support your child’s learning and development at nursery and who is on hand to offer you any advice you may require.

A great opportunity to introduce your little one to the routine of nursery and help reassure them that you'll always come back when you leave them at nursery.

We want to know more about you child so we’ll find ask questions to find out more information about your child's routines, favourite activities, and how they like to be comforted.

Allow your child to explore their new surroundings, become familiar with the nursery environment and meet new people, whilst still having the person they love most nearby.

Seeing how nursery works and how much fun other children are having at nursery will boost your confidence in leaving your little one in our care.

Your ‘Key Person’

When your child joins nursery, they’ll develop a very special bond with their ‘key person’. This friendly face will be your child’s main carer; providing comfort, support and consistency on a daily basis.

The ‘key person’ approach means your child is being cared for by someone who knows all about their unique likes, interests and needs. This enhances your child’s development; providing them with a sense of security and giving you confidence that your child’s emotional and physical needs are being met.

You’ll get to know your child’s ‘key person’ well through face-to-face chats at pick-ups and drops offs, as well as at Parents’ Evenings throughout the year. You’re also more than likely to hear their name a lot at home, as your child starts chatting about all the fun they’ve been having at nursery!

In the event that your child’s designated ‘key person’ is absent from nursery, we have a fantastic ‘key person’ buddy system in place. This means that another practitioner from the same room as your child will step in. They will be equally familiar with your child and will provide the same level of care and support during the absence of their regular ‘key person’.

Child 3

Provides consistency, familiarity and comfort for both you and your child

Gets to know all about your little one’s unique personality traits, interests and needs

Records your child’s learning milestones and plans their next steps, enhancing their learning

Keeps you updated on your child’s nap times and how much they’ve eaten during the day

Carries out your child’s intimate needs, such as putting to sleep, nappy changes and cuddles

Keeps your child’s online learning journal updated with information, photos and videos

Your Child’s Online Learning Journal

When you’re busy with work and family life, it’s not always possible to stop and chat with your ‘key person’ at pick-up and drop-offs. This doesn’t just lead to you feeling like you’re missing out on what your child is doing each day; it also makes it harder for your ‘key person’ to learn about any developmental milestones that have happened at home.

That’s where our online learning journal comes in…

This is a brilliant online tool that allows you to see what your child has been doing at nursery from home. It also allows you to add your own information, so your child’s ‘key person’ can see what your child has been getting up to away from nursery.

This easy exchange of information is hugely beneficial to your child’s learning and development. It makes sure both you and your ‘key person’ are on the same page about your child’s latest milestones and interests, builds strong parent partnerships and helps us to work together to give your child the best possible start in life.

Book Icon

Log into a secure portal only you and your chosen family members have access to

See information, photos and videos showing what your little one has been getting up to

Find out how these activities link to Early Years Foundation Stage learning

View and comment on observations added by your child’s 'key person'

Look at your child’s overall progress throughout their whole time at nursery

Upload your own information and photos of your child’s activities and milestones at home to enhance their learning record

School Readiness

School readiness is not just about preparing your child for ‘big school’. Throughout your child’s time at nursery, we are continually preparing your child to be ready for their next adventure with us and beyond. This may be moving from the baby room to the toddler room and the toddler room to the pre-school room.

We aim to support your child every step of the way, from learning to take those all-important first steps, to developing their skills in preparation for early reading and writing skills. All of this is done gently and at the right pace for your child.

Our curriculum, which is designed to support your child, is one that builds upon the skills that your child already has and supports them in developing further. We are also very mindful that when your child is ready to move to ‘big school’, they have another full school year to work towards those milestones.

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